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Freedive Trips

Are you going on the Freedive Trips for the very first time? It is not very complicated but in the starting, a few tips and tricks are required for making it handy and easy. Here are some useful expert tips that you must know about before going to explore the beauty of the sea water.

  • Never go for diving alone

As a newbie, it is advised not to go in the open sea alone but it is very risky. Always have a buddy or guide with you. Never try to free-dive yourself because you can get stuck anywhere where you will need rescue help. It will be very exciting to have a partner with you to make the experience more fun.

  • Take the course

To fulfill your dream of free diving, learn the capability of what your body can do and understand about the basic safety aspects. By enrolling in the diving course, you will get to know about the fundamental elements to enhance your confidence in your skills.

  • Take the essential equipment with you

Start with a pair of fins that are used for scuba diving because short fins will work better. To start the free-diving, buy a low volume mask because they offer more space and clearer vision. They will sit closer to your face and it is easy to clear the water on them. These items are enough for the new divers.

  • Stay relaxed

It is a very thrilling adventure but can give you goosebumps. Many people feel fear and anxiety that can ruin the excitement. If you are feeling panic when you are going to explore the new sport, try to control your breathing and just relax for some time. Deep and slow breathing exercises can help you a lot to lower the heart rate and tension. It will aid in saving your oxygen, so before jumping in the sea, learn the breathing techniques.

  • Have fun

In the last, forget everything and just enjoy each moment under water because you will not experience the first moment again. There will be many beautiful surroundings that will catch your attention, so appreciate them, feel the silence and peace, and go with the flow of waves. An experienced and trained diver for Freedive Trips Bali will make your entire trip memorable. Try to take this chance once in life by overcoming your fear of water and witness the power of self.