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football training session

Running an effective football training session requires careful planning and execution. There are a number of factors to consider, such as the number of players, the age and ability of the players, the available space and equipment, and the weather conditions.

It is also important to have a clear objective for the session. This will help you plan the activities and drills that you will need to include.

Assuming that you have all of the necessary factors in place, here is a step-by-step guide to running an effective football training session:

Warm Up:

The warm-up should be planned carefully to ensure that it prepares your players for their physical activity. The aim is not only to prepare them physically but also mentally for what lies ahead in their football training. It is therefore important that you choose activities that match both goals and include exercises that stretch every muscle group used during play.

Skill Drills:

Football skills can be broken down into three main categories: coordination, agility, and balance. These will be developed through skill drills that focus on these areas. The more advanced players can then focus on more complex skills such as ball control or dribbling in small-sided games.

Coordination and Agility Drills:

Coordination and agility drills are designed to improve players’ balance, coordination, and speed of movement as well as their ability to control the ball at speed. These drills may include running with the ball at high speed inside a circle or cone pattern, making rapid changes of direction, and stopping suddenly without losing balance.

football training session

Conditioning Drills:

These focus on improving fitness levels using simple games or exercises that involve running, jumping, or lifting weights. A typical conditioning drill would involve a series of sprints or shuttle runs over a distance of about 50 yards (45 meters). The distance covered during each sprint will depend on your team’s fitness levels but should be increased gradually over time with rest periods.

Small-Sided Games:

Small-sided games should involve at least six players on each side (more if possible) and be played over short distances. Coaches should ensure that there are no more than four players per team at any one time in possession of the ball; otherwise, it becomes too congested and difficult for players to move freely around the pitch.


It is important that the focus of a football training session be kept squarely on what you want to achieve. It is also important that you are clear with your players as to why they are doing each activity and how it will benefit them in their football careers.