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Hervey Bay 100 results

The Hervey Bay 100 is a prestigious annual event that brings together athletes and spectators from all over the country. The race, which takes place in the beautiful coastal town of Hervey Bay in Queensland, Australia, includes swimming, cycling, and running. As participants push themselves to their limits, they prove that determination, hard work, and perseverance can lead to remarkable achievements. In this blog post, we will delve into the Hervey Bay 100 results and personal triumphs that made this year’s event one for the history books.

Swimming: A Test of Endurance

The swimming leg is a true test of endurance. This year, the competitors showcased their skill and determination as they navigated the choppy waters. The fastest swimmers emerged from the water with impressive times, setting the stage for an exhilarating race. One notable accomplishment was by a first-time participant who managed to overcome her fear of open-water swimming and complete the course with a smile on her face. Her courage and resilience are a testament to the spirit of the Hervey Bay 100.

Cycling: Powering Through the Course

The cycling portion of the race proved to be just as challenging as the swim, with participants tackling a demanding course along the picturesque coastline. The athletes displayed incredible strength and stamina, pushing through headwinds and steep inclines.

Hervey Bay 100 results

Running: The Final Stretch

As the athletes transitioned from cycling to running, it was clear that the competition was heating up. The run course took participants through the heart of Hervey Bay, providing them with stunning views and an enthusiastic crowd cheering them on. Despite the mounting fatigue, the runners dug deep and pushed themselves to the finish line.

Among the many inspiring stories was a competitor who completed the entire course barefoot, demonstrating that sometimes, unconventional methods can lead to extraordinary results.

Celebrating Success: The Hervey Bay 100 Results

The culmination of the race saw a mix of seasoned athletes and first-time participants celebrating their personal triumphs. The top finishers received well-deserved accolades, but the true spirit of the event was embodied by every athlete who crossed the finish line. The 100 results revealed that with dedication and persistence, anyone can conquer the course and achieve their goals.


It is more than just a race; it’s a celebration of human potential and the power of perseverance. This year’s event showcased an array of unforgettable personal triumphs and remarkable accomplishments. As we reflect on the Hervey Bay 100 results, it’s clear that each participant’s journey is unique and inspiring in its own way.